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Staff Directory

Office Staff Directory

Please use the list below or call the campus main office at 806-326-5750 for assistance with contacting non-instructional staff members not listed.


Wolflin Staff Directory

To find a list of Teachers, Administration and Professional Support Staff, please open our Wolflin Staff Directory (Google Sheet opens in a new window) which has been organized by Positions and then by Grade Level.


Find Your Student's Teacher or Counselor

To correspond with a teacher or counselor via email, log into Skyward Family Access (Login screen opens in a new window) and use the instructions below:

  • To contact a teacher, select “Schedule” from the main menu. Click the teacher's name to display the teacher’s email address, and then click the displayed email address to create a message.
  • To contact the counselor, select "Student Information" from the main menu. Click the counselor's name (listed on the Student Information screen as "Advisor") and then click the displayed email address to create a message.

If you do not have Skyward Family Access login credentials or need assistance with your account, please visit the District website's Skyward Family Access page (Opens in new window).

To contact a teacher or counselor by telephone, contact the campus main office at 806-326-5750.